365 Guidelines
This site exists, for the most part, as a home and repository for my 2016 personal photography projects, especially my 365 project – posting a new photo each day in 2016. Since this is a personal project, and I haven’t consulted any outside sources on how such things are usually set up, I’m making the rules here. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
- Goals: every day in 2016 I will shoot, edit and post a photo to this site, each post named by the month and date that photo represents.
- Posting: Photos can be posted the the next day or up to 7 days later, as long as they meet the shooting requirements.
- Shooting: Photos should be shot on the date they represent, with a permissible window of 48 hours prior and 12 hours after that date.
- Subject matter can be anything. Quality matters less than showing up. Image size will be 1500 px by 1000 px.
- These rules are subject to change and revision as circumstances dictate, but I’m going to try to stick to them to the best of my ability.